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 The Secrets to Healthy Aging |
Living a long and fruitful life starts now! Learn from Laura DeFina, MD, FACP, FAHA, President, CEO and Chief Science Officer of The Cooper Institute, the benefits of having an annual physical and how it can be the first step to getting ahead of chronic diseases. Coupled with regular exercise and other healthy habits, you can take control of your health at any age. |
 Getting to the Core of Core Training |
Training your core is more than just your abs. Sam Laceky, Professional Fitness Trainer at Cooper Fitness Center, discusses the importance of a strong core and how it can better your everyday life and help prevent injury. He provides tips for selecting and safely performing core exercises tailored for you. |
 Build Better Bowls |
Creating a meal that allows you to get all of the healthy nutrition you need for the day is easier than ever with delicious bowls that can save you calories and money! Follow these six steps by Cooper Clinic Nutrition that will help you get your recommended serving sizes of vegetables, fruit, protein and whole grains. |
 The Health Benefits of Ashwagandha |
Cultivated from the roots of small shrubs in the Middle East, India and Africa, ashwagandha is growing in popularity for its positive effects on stress, anxiety and fatigue. Learn about other potential health benefits researchers are discovering to help you decide whether to add ashwagandha to your daily supplement regimen. |
De-stress with Cooper Spa Stress from everyday life can be difficult and take a toll on your physical and mental health. This month, National Stress Awareness Month, learn how massage and other treatments at Cooper Spa can help you relax and release tension. Read the blog.
Healthy Vegetable Stir-Fry Your spring dinner never looked so delicious! Try this colorful and healthy vegetable stir-fry that's ready in less than 30 minutes. Make the recipe.
Different Ways to Train the Core Build a solid foundation for moving well in daily life and your exercise routine with a strong core. Professional Fitness Trainer Colette Cole, MS, demonstrates three core exercises. Watch the video. |
12200 Preston Road, Dallas, Texas 75230
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