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 Staying Proactive on Gut Health |
One in 20 people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with colon cancer in their lifetime. Cooper Clinic Gastroenterologist Andrew Gottesman, MD, discusses the importance of routine colonoscopy screenings at age 45. |
 Improving Movement Patterns From the Ground Up |
Relearning to move after being sedentary for any length of time can be a challenge. Cooper Fitness Center Director of Education Carla Botelho Sottovia, PhD, shares several exercises to help regain one’s mobility after only a few weeks of training. |
 Weight Loss Injectables |
A new weight loss tool has garnered a huge amount of attention in today’s marketplace—weight loss injectables. Learn about the different types of injectables and if they may be right for you to help maintain a healthy weight long term. |
 Benefits of Turmeric Supplements |
Interested in reducing pain in the body and specifically joint pain? Curcumin, a key ingredient in turmeric, has been shown to reduce inflammation, which is the leading cause of arthritis pain. Learn the top 3 benefits of this powerful spice and if it’s right for you. |
A Guide on Suncreen Summer is here, and with it, more time in the sun's rays. Not all sunscreen is created equal. Follow this guide to stay healthy in the sun. Read the blog.
A Very Berry Smoothie Just in time for summer, Cooper Clinic Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Kathy Duran-Thal, RDN, LD, blends up this Very Berry Smoothie that's sure to cool you off in the heat. Try the recipe.
Improving Movement Patterns Cooper Fitness Center Director of Education Carla Botelho Sottovia, PhD, demonstrates four exercises to help you regain mobility, flexibility and power. Watch the video. |
12200 Preston Road, Dallas, Texas 75230
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