The Scoop


Sam LacekySam Laceky
Professional Fitness Trainer

Years at Cooper: I worked here from 2012 to 2014 and re-joined the staff in March 2019.

Hometown: Dallas, Texas

Previous work experience prior to coming to Cooper: I've worked in various fitness facilities including Capital One Corporate Wellness, Larry North, Fit180 Private Training Studio, The Village Fit and Park Cities Personal Training.

What is your favorite form of physical activity? I enjoy strength training, Olympic lifting and HIIT conditioning.

What do you consider your greatest achievement? I achieved the rank of Eagle Scout at age 16. I am also proud of graduating Cum Laude from The University of Texas at Arlington.

If you could have a super power, what would it be? Time control.

If you had an extra hour of free time each day, how would you spend it? I'd spend it with my lovely wife.

What is your hidden talent? Videography and film editing.

What is your favorite family tradition? My grandfather reading the Cajun Night Before Christmas in his Cajun accent.

What would your high school friends have predicted you’d be doing today? Professional skateboarder.

If you competed in the Olympics, what sport would you participate in? The 100-meter sprint or speed skating.

What product could you not live without? My coffee maker!

If you could go to one theme park which would it be and why? Disney World with my wife and kids because they have never been before.

Have you lived outside the U.S., if so, where? Yes, I've lived in France, Italy, Switzerland and Austria.