The Scoop


Karen LeffertsKaren Lefferts
Cooperized Kidz Instructor

Years at Cooper: Started in October 2018

Hometown: Dallas, Texas

Previous work experience prior to coming to Cooper: I had a marketing internship at Digital Brand Architects in New York City and a post-production social media internship for a small-budget movie in Dallas. I’ve also worked as an acting assistant at ScreenFX studios in Plano, served customers at Gem juice bar and worked at Dallas Zoo teaching kids who came to the Breeze Energy station about animals and the environment.

What is your favorite form of physical activity? I love yoga, although, I’m not great at it. I love the way I feel afterwards and want to keep working on it. I also love cardio and dance.

After a great day at work, I like to…Read a good book, take a bath and watch a movie.

What do you consider your greatest achievement? Graduating from acting school (college), performing in the UK and performing a play I wrote with three others. I wrote a play, "Techno-Discontent," about the role technology and social media play in our day-to-day lives—the negative and positive. It focuses heavily on human connection and whether technology connects us or isolates us.

If you could have a super power, what would it be? To either have the power to heal or to be able to read minds.

What is your hidden talent? Other than acting, I sing and dance. I also write short stories.

If you weren’t working at Cooper, what would you be doing? The end goal is to be able to work as an actor full time. Since I’m just out of college it may be a while before I can do that.

How many siblings do you have? I’m a triplet. I have a brother and a sister!

How would your closest friends describe you (in three words)? Creative, caring and unique/quirky—in a good way!

Do you prefer outdoor or indoor workouts? Typically, indoor, but it honestly depends on the weather. When I visit family in California I love to go for a long walk on the beach.

My favorite color is…Green.

What is your guilty pleasure? I love chocolate and watching movies. Movies from the ’30s, ’80s, today…I’ll watch them all. I LOVE movies!

If you could go to one theme park which would it be and why? Disneyland. I visit family in San Diego a lot and we’d always drive there. I’ve been about 14 times in my life.

If a movie was being made about your life, what actor would you cast to play yourself? People say I look like Anne Hathaway or Allison Brie so I guess one of them.

Have you lived outside the U.S., if so, where? Yes, for about six months I lived in London. I studied at an acting conservatory in South London.

Where is your ideal vacation spot? Anywhere with a lot of history/culture. I grew up going to a French school—I’m fluent in French—so I love France. I’d like to explore more of Europe—Switzerland, Italy, etc. I’d love to go to Southeast Asia or Australia. I love learning about people and their culture. Even as a tourist, I’m interested in living like a local.