The Scoop


Christian RodriguezChristian Rodriguez
Fitness Floor Associate

Years at Cooper: Started in February 2018

Hometown: Ballinger, Texas

Previous work experience prior to coming to Cooper: For two years I've worked on the digital team at Nike.

What is your favorite form of physical activity? Playing soccer.

What do you consider your greatest achievement? Graduating from Texas Tech University with a degree in kinesiology debt-free even without financial help from my parents and no scholarships. I’m also the first one in my family to graduate from college.

Best advice you’ve ever received? People will forget a lot of things about you, but they will never forget how you made them feel.

What is your hidden talent? Problem solving.

What’s the biggest compliment you’ve ever received? “I had to ask who you were. I did not recognize you.” That happened after I lost 70 pounds. I have kept the weight off for a year and a half now.

Do you prefer outdoor or indoor workouts? Outdoor workouts. Being outside in the sun and fresh air brings good energy.

What is your favorite saying/quote/phrase? “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” – William Arthur Ward

What is your guilty pleasure? Eating pizza and ice cream.

What book has influenced you and why? Outliers. It gave me a different perspective to overall health, wealth and happiness at age 19 when no one else could.

Where is your ideal vacation spot? A clear beach with soccer being played all day!