The Scoop


Kim CriswellKim Criswell
Cooperized Kidz Instructor

Years at Cooper: Started in September 2018

Hometown: Dallas, Texas

Previous work experience prior to coming to Cooper: I worked at the YMCA. I started in child care, then moved to membership and then to aquatics. I also worked as a summer camp counselor and lifeguard for three years.

What is your favorite form of physical activity? Weight lifting.

If you had an extra hour of free time each day, how would you spend it? Reading a good book.

What’s the biggest compliment you’ve ever received? I work hard at things I enjoy.

I am most productive when…I’m focused.

How many siblings do you have? I have two sisters, and I am the youngest.

If you could have any pet, what would you choose? A dachshund puppy.

What is your guilty pleasure? Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. My favorite flavors are Brownie Batter Core and Tonight Dough.

What book has influenced you and why? Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult. It’s such a powerful book!

If you could go to one concert, whose would it be? If he was still alive, I’d love to see Michael Jackson.

Where is your ideal vacation spot? Anywhere on the beach. I would love to go to the Bahamas!