The Scoop


Caleb Cade
Fitness Floor Supervisor

Years at Cooper: 10 months

Hometown: Lake Dallas, Texas

Previous work experience prior to coming to Cooper: To get myself through college, I was a manager at a dry cleaning service. In June, I graduated from the University of North Texas with a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology.

What is your favorite form of physical activity? Lifting weights and running with my dog, Nala.

What do you consider your greatest achievement? Being the first in my family to graduate college.

If you weren’t working at Cooper, what would you be doing? Possibly coaching football.

What is your favorite saying/quote/phrase? “Stand for something or fall for anything.”

How would your closest friends describe you (in three words)? Funny, down-to-earth and reliable.

Tell us about your favorite pair of shoes. I have a small obsession with Nike shoes.

If you competed in the Olympics, what sport would you participate in? I would run hurdles.

If a movie was being made about your life, what actor would you cast to play yourself? Jim Carrey.

Where is your ideal vacation spot? I try to travel as much as I can; however, I love tropical vacations. This past March, I proposed to my girlfriend in Jamaica!

What is on your iPod or on your radio right now? A little bit of everything. I love music.