The Scoop


Taylor Sutton
Wellness Coordinator

Years at Cooper: Started in March 2017

Hometown: Allen, Texas

Previous work experience prior to coming to Cooper: I worked at Kersh Health in Plano as a corporate wellness registered dietitian providing telephonic health coaching.

What is your favorite form of physical activity? I can’t pick just one! Cycle classes, paddle boarding and yoga.

Best advice you’ve ever received? An Aristotle quote a former boss shared with me, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”

What is your hidden talent? Singing.

What’s the biggest compliment you’ve ever received? “I’ve changed my habits and lost 70 pounds because of you.”

How many siblings do you have? I am the oldest of three girls.

What is your favorite family tradition? Beach vacations every year.

Tell us about your favorite pair of shoes. My BCBG nude pointy-toed heels with gold studs. They are my most fashion-forward and comfortable!

My favorite color is…Orange.

What are three things you can always find in your fridge or pantry? Lenny & Larry Protein Brownies, veggies on veggies on veggies, cans of Rotel…and coffee beans.