The Scoop


James Gillis
Fitness Floor Supervisor

Years at Cooper: 1 1/2 years

Hometown: Plano, Texas

Previous work experience prior to coming to Cooper: I was the Intramural Sports Supervisor in the Department of Wellness at Oklahoma State University.

What is your favorite form of physical activity? Basketball, lifting weights and TRX training.

Best advice you’ve ever received? Surround yourself with those you cherish, make their day, bring happiness and witness passion deep within.

How would you like to be remembered? I would love to be remembered as someone who made an impact on people’s lives.

What’s the biggest compliment you’ve ever received? “You make me smile.”

If you weren’t working at Cooper, what would you be doing? I’d be pursuing work in administration or management in the health and science field.

What is your favorite family tradition? Thanksgiving meal with family and friends while watching the Dallas Cowboys win.

Do you prefer outdoor or indoor workouts? Both. I love to lift weights, but on a beautiful day I prefer to run outside.

What is your favorite saying/quote/phrase? Bring happiness, for yourself and for those around you.

What is your guilty pleasure? Mexican food. My favorite Mexican dish is carne adovada with homemade tortillas.

If a movie was being made about your life, what actor would you cast to play yourself? One of the Jonas Brothers, because people tell me I look like them all the time.

Where is your ideal vacation spot? Hawaii is my favorite place I’ve ever been, but new journeys pique my interest. I would love to travel to Spain.