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The Cooperized

October 2, 2012
Get Cooperized About Cooper Locations Health Tips

In honor of Worksite Wellness Month, this issue covers how you can increase your fitness level, make nutritious choices and improve your overall state of health as a busy professional.

Prevention Plus

Leading the Way to Wellness
Find out how organizational leadership can help shape personal health and the company’s future.

Fitness Files

Getting Fit for Life
Here is everything you need to know to create an exercise routine that fits in your busy lifestyle.

Nutrition Bites

Master Mindless Munching
Learn how to make nutritious eating choices and control your appetite when you’re strapped for time and on the move.

Stress Less

Six Tips to Overcome Work-Related Stress
Everyone feels stressed from time to time. Follow these simple tips to rejuvenate your spirit and mind.

Vitamin Aisle

Iron: "With" or "Without"?
It's hard to know which forms of iron to take, let alone, if you should be taking iron at all. With so many questions to be answered, find out if you should be "with" or "without" iron.

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Cooper Consulting Partners understands the importance of connecting personal health to organizational leadership. Our Fit to Lead Academy educates and trains executives and managers on the business of a healthy workforce. To learn more about the live, full-day seminar or the eight-week online workshop, visit our website or watch our video.



High-Intensity Tabata Training
Looking for an effective exercise to burn more fat in less time? David P. Williams, Professional Fitness Trainer at Cooper Fitness Center Dallas, demonstrates a high-intensity Tabata workout for people on-the-go.


Super Snacker Seasoned Pumpkin Seeds
by Meridan Zerner, MS, RD, CSSD, LD,

Cooper Clinic